We challenge you to Fund Your Future. While often overlooked, financial security is crucial to overall wellbeing. Complete at least one of the following activities to take on October’s challenge:
- Create a liquid and easily accessible emergency fund with at least three months’ worth of living expenses.
- Pull your credit report from a reliable source (visit Annual Credit Report.com - Home Page) and make a plan of action to improve it if need be.
- Track your spending for a month to identify and minimize your budget leaks, such as rarely used online subscriptions, frequent trips to the vending machine, or the daily Starbucks. Then, consider completely eliminating or reducing these budget leaks.
- Take inventory of your checking, savings, and credit accounts and close any unnecessary ones to avoid fees.
Ask Yourself:
What does freedom look like for you?
What are other aspects of life you want to grow and prosper?
How can you increase your security?